When was the last time you were able to slow down long enough to simply breathe, to listen and to reflect on your own sacred journey? For centuries, women and men have found peace and wisdom through the ancient practice of spiritual direction. People from all walks of life are discovering the ability to listen to the Holy in the context of their own story.
What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual direction is a relationship and a process in which one person freely invites another person to be a director, for a time, on their sacred journey. These sessions encourage the sharing of your sacred story in a non-judgmental environment, and deepen your awareness of the presence of God/The Holy/Higher Power in your everyday life.
While there are no required number of meetings for spiritual direction, typically you meet with your Director about once a month or every six weeks for approximately an hour.
Spiritual direction sessions are held either at St. Scholastica Monastery or McCabe Renewal Center.
Spiritual direction is not psychological counseling or therapy.
How much does it cost?
Because spiritual direction is a professional ministry, there is a suggested offering of $45 - $75 per session (as agreed upon between you and your spiritual director).
Click the Spiritual Direction offering button below to pay by credit card.
Who is a Spiritual Director?
A Spiritual Director is a person who has received training in spiritual direction. At the sessions, they listen attentively, affirm the presence of God in the directee’s life, and help the directee reflect upon their experience in the light of faith. Directors also receive spiritual direction and participate in supervision.
What do I do next?
Learn more about our Spiritual Directors by viewing their pictures, reading a brief description of their experience and qualifications, and find out how to contact then directly to set up a time for an initial interview.
If you are still not sure which Spiritual Director might best meet your needs, feel free to contact the Spiritual Direction Coordinator.