About Us


The Center for Spirituality and Enrichment is a ministry of the Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery in Duluth, MN.


The Center is composed of four primary areas of ministry—Programs, Hospitality, Outreach and Companioning Ministries. Click here to learn more about our staff.

The Advisory Committee for the Center for Spirituality and Enrichment provides support, ideas and suggestions for the Center to pursue in carrying out its mission, as well as sharing input and support for marketing and fundraising.  The Committee is composed of both Sisters and lay men and women who are committed to the vitality of the Center and who participate in its ministry.

Association of the Benedictine Retreat Centers

We are a member of the Association of Benedictine Retreat Centers which "exists to foster the Benedictine Charism in retreat ministry by providing resources, networking opportunities, and support for the wide range of large Benedictine Conference Centers and small Benedictine Spirituality Centers throughout the United States and Canada."  Find out more about the ABRC!

St. Scholastica Monastery

1001 Kenwood Avenue

Duluth, MN 55811

(218) 723-6699
