
Join our Christophany Group!

 Tuesday evenings

(Usually twice/month)

7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. CT

Online via Zoom

The vision for a Christophany Group (formerly known as Omega Group) is to transform lives and heal our world through communal reflection and collective spiritual practice based on the work of theologian Ilia Delio, OSF and her team ( More than simply a gathering for dialogue, the Christophany Group can be thought of as a laboratory of divine love for the renewal of spirituality. We believe the spiritual yearning of our time will be answered through the earnest experimentation of innovative devotional communities.

Our Christophany Group will meet approximately twice a month via Zoom, an online meeting platform for which you will be given instruction if needed. For each meeting, participants will be provided with resources to prepare for our time together. There is no fee for being a member of a Christophany Group, though a freewill donation to be able to continue offerings such as this is most appreciated.

We look forward to seeing you!

Facilitator: Dawn Carrillo is the current director for the Center for Spirituality and Enrichment at St. Scholastica Monastery. Her passion lies in the area of creating opportunities for others to awaken to the wonder and beauty of life in God and all of Creation.

Cost: freewill offering.

St. Scholastica Monastery

1001 Kenwood Avenue

Duluth, MN 55811

(218) 723-6699

Find us in Stanbrook Hall which faces the lake and is next to the chapel by following the signs to Duluth Benedictine Ministries.