CANDLEMAS: A Celebration of the Light by Rev. Yanchy Lacska, PhD
In my family of origin, Christmas ended with the celebration of the Epiphany on January 6th. After Epiphany, the Christmas decorations would be put away in Dad’s metal WWII olive-green army footlocker and stored in the garage until after the following Thanksgiving. For other Christian families, however, Christmas decorations were not taken down until after…
Read MoreLife Coaching by Jayne Erickson, OSB
Sister Jayne would love to accompany you on a journey toward greater joy and fulfillment.
Read MoreWhat is your favorite part of being a Sister? by Gretchen Johnston, OSB
My favorite part of being a Sister is living in community. Living in close quarters with people of different backgrounds and generations does get irksome sometimes, but…
Read MoreMessage about McCabe Renewal Center
Dear Beloved Community,
With a mixture of gratitude for the past and hope for the future, I write to inform you of a significant change regarding our McCabe Renewal Center.
Read MoreHoly Fire by Rev. Yanchy Lacska, PhD
Early this morning, as I looked out my home office window, I could see that big ball of fire we call the Sun just clearing the trees toward the East, and I started to think about how The One we call God appears again and again in Biblical stories as fire. In Judaism, the eternal…
Read MoreAWAKE O SLEEPER! by Rev. Yanchy Lacska, PhD
On Easter morning, Christians worldwide celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, the high point of our Christian faith. While many of the symbols of Easter have their origins in pre-Christian celebrations, they all are reminders of the awakening of springtime after the seeming deadness of winter and seem appropriate symbols for celebrating the Resurrection and the…
Read MoreAsh Wednesday and Valentine’s Day – A Curious Conjunction by Rev. Yanchy Lacska, PhD
As Valentine’s Day approaches, stores everywhere display heart-shaped candy boxes and Valentine’s Day Cards adorned with hearts and flowers conveying sentimental or loving thoughts. The heart is associated with love worldwide. This connection began in the Western World with the ancient Greeks. In Chinese culture, the word for love contains a pictograph meaning heart, next…
Read MoreWith Grace & Gratitude (by Rev. Yanchy Lacska, PhD)
My wife, Wendy, and I recently returned from a vacation in Switzerland. In the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland, grazie is the word used to say thank you. This word comes from the Latin gratia. Gratia is also the source of the word gratitude and of the word grace. In Greek and Roman mythology, The Three…
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