
"Coping with Overload: A Lenten Journey with Jesus to Jerusalem"

Saturday, February 17, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon

at St. Scholastica Monastery (this session has been cancelled).


Tuesday, February 20 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. CT

via Zoom

In these times, most of us struggle to cope with overload: too much news, too many social media connections, back-to-back activities throughout the week, and more. Is this a sustainable life? During Lent we can relate a bit to the load Jesus carried on his road to Jerusalem, along with disciples' mental conundrum while following Jesus in the latter part of his ministry. Was rejection and suffering really necessary? Can't we just stay in Galilee? This workshop will deepen our awareness of the paradoxical truths that Jesus taught and modeled to his disciples, and thereby give us a way to discern between the bearing of compassionate loads from exhausting loads.

Facilitator: Ted Lewis is a restorative justice practitioner, trainer and consultant for the Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking, University of Minnesota Duluth (since 2013). Since the mid-90s, he has been active in the fields of restorative justice and conflict resolution as a facilitator, program manager, trainer, writer and adjunct professor, specializing in the conference model of dialogue. He also serves on the board for the National Association for Community and Restorative Justice (NACRJ). Over the past two decades, Ted has provided church communities with workshops and reconciliation services. In 2016 he founded the Restorative Church project. He currently lives in Duluth, MN.

$25 suggested offering for Saturday, February 17

$15 suggested offering for Tuesday, February 20 (via Zoom)

Scholarships are available.  Please contact Dawn Carrillo at dcarrillo@duluthosb.org or 320-260-8233 for more information.

St. Scholastica Monastery

1001 Kenwood Avenue

Duluth, MN 55811

(218) 723-6699


Find us in Stanbrook Hall which faces the lake and is next to the chapel by following the signs to Duluth Benedictine Ministries.